Monday, June 8, 2015

The environment

Sometimes I forget that the world my children live in is not only them and me. There are other people and opportunities that exist for my children to learn from.  Children gain knowledge, information, attitudes, and actions from anyone they meet or see. That brings me to my next point. I am not my teenagers only teacher. No matter how much I wish I was their only teacher. My teenagers seem to follow everyone else's lead except mine.

I clean, I clean again, and I clean some more.
I work consistently. Usually more than one job.
I use patience, kind words, and gentle touches.

My teenagers are at the age where they should be able to use initiative and make good choices. I model those things all the time.  Then here we go, my oldest asks for the remote control with attitude and harsh tones, no please. My youngest son can't talk to his 19 year old sister without touching her some type of way, no matter how many times she yells "don't touch me!"

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